Journal Abbr.

This can be due to the output style you are using, or that you did not import the journal term lists, which link the abbreviations to the full titles.

To check the output style

In EndNote

Go to Edit > Output Styles > 

Then if the style you are using shows up as “Edit stylename” click that, otherwise choose Open Style Manager, click on the style name and click Edit.

In the left menu, click on Journal Names

Select the button next to the Abbreviation you want (Abrev 1 has punctuation, 2 does not).

If the correct abbreviation is selected already, then the journal term list needs to be imported.

To do this,

In EndNote

Go to Tools > Open Term Lists > Journal term List

In the Terms tab, the journals will probably not have appropriate abbreviations, so select them all (control A on a windows machine) and click Delete term

Then go to the  Lists tab

Select Import list

Find the list you need at C:\program Files\EndNote\term Lists

Click Open

Hope this helps.