Problem with author names in bibliography and in-text citation

Hey guys!

I have a problem concerning author names in bibliography and in-text citation. I guess it’s easier to understand the problem I have, when I give you the exact case:

(1) SCHEFFER, F.  U. P. SCHACHTSCHABEL (200215): Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde. Neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage von Blume, H.-P. (Spektrum) Heidelberg. 

My university wants me to put the initials of the second author in front of the last name, if there are exact two authors. So the following option (2) is not possible for me:

(2) SCHEFFER, F.  U. SCHACHTSCHABEL, P. (200215): Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde. Neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage von Blume, H.-P. (Spektrum) Heidelberg. 

The bibliography is correct (1) when I put the authors’ names in the author field in endnote like this:

Scheffer, F. 

P. Schachtschabel,

So far, so good. The problem now is, that with the comma, I define “P. Schachtschabel” as one coherent expression, but the in-text citation has to look like this: 


So here I don’t want to have the initial “P.” But as I defined “P. Schachtschabel” as a coherent expression, the in-text citation looks like this by filling the authors field like seen above (to get option (1) in the bibliography): 


Has anyone an idea what I could do to solve the problem?? So far I could’t find anything on the Internet. 

Looking forward to every help.



I am not sure exactly what you mean by “exactly 2 authors”.  What do they expect for three or four authors? 

Endnote has a setting in the output style for Authorname:  first author as Surname, Initials and all subsequent authors as Initials Surname.  

See attached image for the section where this happens.  

If more than 2 authors are et al, then that setting is in the Author listing options.