Reference type Journal Article suddenly ignoring all space and punctuation

I’ve written to support and am awaiting a reply from them.

In the meantime, the book I’m collating needs to move on to typesetting today, so I really need a version I can use to create the bibliography as quickly as possible.

Could I trouble one of you to export a fixed version of my .ens file again with the spaces and punctuation added back in? The Journal Article template should be precisely like so:

Author. Year. Title._Journal_|*Volume|(Issue)|.*Pages|.

– that is:

  • Journal italicised
  • no-break spaces both before Volume and before Pages
  • period after Author, Year, Title, Issue (after the separator) and at the end; but not after Journal or Volume
  • parentheses around Issue
  • separators after Journal, Volume, Issue (outside parentheses, before period) and Pages (before period)

Thanks a lot for all the help!

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