Research Notes Field- View and Expand

Hi, the option of being able to view the full text pdf and to see and edit the reference data (including the research notes field) would be very useful. As the other respondent said, it may be possible to get some of this effect with one of the layouts (perhaps hiding the groups panel and splitting the pdf and reference data panel) with the EndNote window maximized.

Another option might be using the system pdf viewer (for example, Adobe Acrobat) instead of the built-in viewer. That will allow the pdf to be viewed outside of the confines of the EndNote window. You can right-click a reference in your library (the one-line listing) + click File Attachments + Open File to open the pdf with the system viewer. If you had two screens, it might work very well.

This was not your exact question, however, I wanted to mention an “Annotated Review” style that I modified from EndNote’s Annotated style. This style is intended for reading in the EndNote preview window (not for citing). It displays either or both of the Abstact and Research Notes fields if those fields have data in them.

Have a nice day
