Show all references keyboard shortcut in Endnote 20

There was a very useful keyboard shortcut in Endnote X9 to toggle from seeing a single reference to showing all references, Ctrl + M, show all references. I use it by habit and nothing happens in Endnote 20. Is there a different keyboard shortcut that does the same thing? If not, can this be reinstated, please?

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I support this request. I also use Ctrl+M, and have since the days of EN3. It’s frustrating enough that double-clicking on a reference in EN20 doesn’t open it for editing, but the lack of a keyboard shortcut to show all references is an added pain. Has anyone found a way to add such a shortcut?

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Yes, the Ctrl + M is gone, which is one of several major design flaws of the Endnote 20 (see also response below). But you can work around this by going to search, choose ‘Advanced search’, choose the search option ‘Any field’ and then enter the vowel ‘a’ or ‘e’. If all your references have either ‘a’ or ‘e’ in one of the fields, you will see ALL your references again. If a few references are missing an ‘a’ or ‘e’, then just enter an ‘a’ or ‘e’ into a field, e.g., the ‘Abstract’ field. It really works, try it!

Response from a person who knows:
“Hello Endnote users,
Yes, that is one of the features that was removed in EndNote 20 that I miss, as well.
Although I previously worked for Clarivate and supported EndNote for almost twenty years, when I updated the help files, I was working as an independent contractor and have no “pull” with them to request changes. The best thing I can suggest is to contact their technical support team through their support website at Endnote. It is possible they have added the feature back in the newest version, but I have not tried it, so I don’t know.
I’m sorry I cannot do more to help you.”

I miss the shortcut Ctrl M too!