Show only one surename from author

Sorry I still am not understanding.  

Wouldn’t it be Smith, 2007 not Doe, 2007 though?  – 

If my surname is Doe-Smith  I would be cited as (Doe-Smith, 2007) and would be entered into your record as Doe-Smith, FirstName vs Doe Smith, I would be cited as (Smith, 2007) if Doe is the middle name and entered as into record as Smith, firstName Doe.  

One would never cite this name as (Doe, 2007), although some might prefer Doe Smith, 2007 if they had previously published under their maiden name and wanted to continue to have their future papers cited with their maiden name papers, in which case we would have to enter the record in endnote as Doe Smith, firstname.  

You are showing the endnote temporary citation and not the final APA citation?