Sort Order, Turabian (Endnote 5)

In addition to CG’s comments, How are they cited in the text?  

Is “Ash, R.L.” in the author field in this listing? U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Suspension of the Comprehensive Planning Grant Program, by Ash, R. L., (Washington DC, 1974).

What are the reference types?

Here is a  thread that might be relevant (thread1). 

Basically they are sorted Author, year then title, and  if there is an author listed for those govenment documents, then that would take precedence over title and it gets listed as you describe (and they would appear in the citation too?).  – So the option would be to put those authors in the secondary author field in the ref type (which you may have to add) adjust the bibliography template to use that alternative author field, (calling it “Author2”).  

Also I am not sure - but are really using endnote X5?  That version is getting a bit long in the tooth.  The current version has been X7 for several years.  Hard to remember exactly what features were possible in older version of endnote.  

Finally, the other workaround is - just when you are ready to submit, removed field codes and sort those paragraphs with word.  but that is less satifactory.