Transfering library from endnote web to endnote 6

Greetings Linda,

Instructions from an associated FAQ:

If you have EndNote 9 or earlier, you can export references from EndNote Web to a format that can then be imported into EndNote. To do this:

   1. Create your export list in your EndNote Web library.

   2. Click the Export link in the left navigation pane, under Organize References.

   3. Export references from EndNote Web following the export instructions using “RefMan (RIS) Export” as the export style.

   4. Click the Save To… button and save the export file to your computer.

   5. Open EndNote.

   6. Open an existing library or create a new library to receive the EndNote Web references.

   7. Select Import from the File menu.

   8. In the Import dialog, click Browse to select the export file.

   9. Select “Reference Manager (RIS)” as the Import Option.

  10. For EndNote 8 or later, select “No Translation” as the Text Translation.

Best Regards,

Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support