Why does Endnote change the sequence of citations

Hi everyone,

I’m new to EndNote and currently faceing a problem with the citations.

When I add a citaion to regular text, the sequence is as it should be (first citation = 1, second citation = 2 etc.), but when i add a citation to text in a (text)field in MS Word it is automaticaly set as the first citation.

How can i change this?

THX for any help!

The issue you describe sounds like a common one, and fortunately there is an easy solution.  We have prepared step-by-step instructions on our website which should help you resolve it.


If you need help with the steps:

Please contact Technical Support directly

1-800-336-4474 option 4 then 1 or


I recommend the last part of the knowledgebase article, and adding the frame command to the quick access toolbar.  see  https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/word/733-word-insert-frame.html for alternative instructions.