"Update citations and bibliography" does not update reference list

I am not sure how well it works, but the last tab in the format dialogue is “libraries used”.  When you “edit  citation”, more… it should list the library the reference came from at the bottom of the record listing, but in my experience, it always says “traveling library” there. 

If the correct library is open, placing your cursor in the formated citation (not in the reference list at the end) allows you to choose a tool “edit library reference” which will open the reference (or references, several in citation) for editing in the open library.  However, if a matching record is not in that library, it won’t open anything (and doesn’t seem to give an error msg either!).  It doesn’t let you edit the ‘travelling library’ version. 

If you don’t know which library a specific record came from, check to see if  you recognize the name of a different library in the “format” dialogue and search for it on your hard drive.  BTW-- Unformatting the document is likely to erase that information!

Since I always use the same library, I don’t delve into all this, very often!

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