share library with others and see new references added by others


how can I see the references added by my collegue in a library shared with her by myself?

Thank you for your answer!

Not sure what you mean.  If it is a shared library and she added it, the record would have a recent added date or a highest record number.  The endnote program (if you are using a desktop version) will show the eferences used in the paper as a temporary group.  – see image for example.  The newest addition has the record number 7356 and was added to the library 11 Sept 2015.  

ok, I’ve seen. Thank you.

I have another question: if I want to share a library, it will automaticaly been synchronized with my Endnote online and merge the libraries? I can’t share different libraries separatly?

Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:


Currently Endnote can only be used to share one library to the cloud storage. but I believe you can share parts of your library online with others.  

Here is the share description:

Here is a you-tube video about sharing groups.