Duplicate check in Endnote X.2

That’s good news! Thanks a lot to the EndNote team - I hope you find a good solution!

I have the following suggestions for improving the identification of duplicates:

At the moment, EndNote checks the whole field “Author” when performing a search in this field. The problem is that after importing references from different sources (Medline, Embase, Biosis etc.) there are often minor stylistic variations in the list of authors – and then EndNote is not able to identify the duplicates from the different sources. Checking just the first author’s name in combination with additional fields could lead to an improvement in sensitivity.

A similar problem occurs within the field “Pages”. Here too, EndNote is not able to find duplicates when there are stylistic variations (e.g., page 112-114 or 112-14). It might be an option just to check the first page number or to complete the second number.