EN 20 is a disaster

Agreed. Big problems with EN20.

I’ve been using EndNote since 1997 and I just spent one hour Live Chatting with Tech Support to troubleshoot my install. EN20 instantly crashes Word (Mac) if I Format Bibliography. According to Tech Support, this is because EN20 is incompatible with recent versions of MS Word (wait, what?).

The recommended fix is to ununstall Word and retro-install an old version (e.g., 16.43). I did this (there goes my morning …) and it does get EN20 working Yay! But, now my Word is old, vulnerable and in ‘compatability mode’.

Also, if anyone else does this, be sure to disable the AutoUpdate feature of Office, or else you’ll have to do the uninstall/re-install thing all over again next time you re-start. Sigh…

I am limping along hoping that EndNote is up-graded. This is so silly.