EndNote Display Fields are not saved

I have discovered that I can use EndNote X8 for more than just a bibliographic database.  I required a convenient method to save my equipment calibration records and equipment manuals.  It took a while, but I was able to overcome some of the EndNote X8 “preferences” to accomplish the tasks.  However, with each new reference type I employed, I wanted to change the display fields.  The new display field parameters are not saved within the reference type.

For example, for my calibration records, I wanted to save the Equipment Contronl Number (ECN), the Manufacturer, the Model Number, and it’s description, the serial number, the calibration date, calibration provided (company), and the calibration tech.  Likewise, for my equipment manuals, I wanted to save the Model number, Manufacture, Description, URL for the manufacturer, an image of the piece of equipment, and the user manual.

Using a MS Word document as my “crib sheet,” I can setup the display fields I can revert to the EndNote defaults when I want to use one of my bibliographic databases, but when I need to use it for my calibration or equipment records, I need to go back and change the display fields. This is inconvenient at best.  I’d like the display fields, etc. to be saved, probably in the header of the EndNote library itself, but I’m not the EndNote programmer.  Unfortunately, I can’t upload the .docx or .pdf file to this post.  I will send it via e-mail if requested.

Thanks for listening.