EndNote X2 - First Impressions and suggestions

Hi, my first post on this forum.

I use X1 on a PC at work and need to run a mirrored library on my Mac at home. Ideally I would prefer the same version of Endnote on both machines, however as I can only get X2 from the site, I downloaded the trial version to try out. 

After a short time working the same workflow that I have used since Endnote 4, I became really frustrated and went searching for answers in this forum. It now appears that what I thought was a bug/problem with my settings (I searched through the preferences carefully) of getting my PubMed searches dumped directly into my carefully vetted library is actually a carefully researched ‘feature’. I’m really not happy with this. I would far rather dump the X2 when the trial runs out and get a copy of X1 - bit of course that’s not available!

I now have a dilemma:  I would still prefer the same versions on mac and PC, but there’s no way I’m updating my PC X1 to X2. And there doesn’t appear to be another solution. 

I read Jason’s replies as to why this change has occurred and I’m not convinced.  The comparison with Outlook is really not relevant - I want to choose what I put into my libraries and my searching is deliberately less than pinpoint accurate in case I pull up something serendipitously. I’ve never found it a huge problem moving the references I want into my library and disposing of the rest when I upload the next search. 

I like the look and functionality of X1 that I use on my windows machine. I would really like a copy of Endnote X1 for Mac!!