EndNote for iPad

SImply put - there MUST be an easier way to sync-upload PDF’s to the iPad app.

  • Possible suggestions
    • somehow set the “favorites as  a group” so one can move/copy multiple entries into “favorites”
    • allow an entire group to be set as a “favorite” (the settings menu already has a "manage my groups feature)

Secondly - annotations need to sync to the document through the clound and to the desktop library.  One method would be the integration with other app’s - eg I could open my pdf in goodreader (which I can already do), and after having anotated the document it saves it - back into my endnote iPad Library, which then would sync it to the cloud and to my desktop… (note - one can already do something like this with goodreader-you just load/remote-sync your endnote pdf folder from dropbox.  any edited files end up in your desktop library.

I seriously think a single library file format is ideal.  eg - the same library/files used on the ipad sync to the cloud sync to the desktop.  I was very excited to see the “link to dropbox”  but I was honestly hoping I could simply browse to my library (which is already in dropbox) and open it!  How easy would that have been?!?!