In EndNote 20, please, please, please bring back the 'bottom split' layout option


Honestly, unuseable!

  1. You cannot open windows, and especially you can’t open multiple windows simultaneously…necessary for editing between them. One user said it well: “2. Make it possible to have multiple references open at the same time. The loss of this option in EndNote20 has been almost devastating because I now spend way too much time and energy opening and closing references where I have notes that I need to access.”

  2. The term lists simply don’t function anymore. They don’t “fill in” in an Endnote reference. They don’t show whether phrases are or are not consistent with the term lists in an Endnote record. You can’t search for one in the term list windows…so entering them from there is beyond clumsy. They are nigh near useless.

  3. You can’t see the formatted reference in ‘bottom split’ layout option consistently. When you do…it does NOT update even when the Edits are saved. I have to change STYLES to see the update.

  4. The feature of “Search Results” has disappeared on EndNote 20.

  5. Add back the case changing option.

  6. One needs the option to build a search to select records based on empty field(s).

  7. Merging duplicates is necessary.

I am terribly disappointed that I paid for this downgrade. How can developers just leave out features in previous versions?