Make it easier to find and add citations directly into Word

Endnote 20 is clearly a step backward in evolution. To insert a new scientific citation from Pubmed in a Word document at the cursor position using Endnote 20 desktop version you have to:

  1. Switch to Endnote
  2. Change the search e.g. to PMID, DOI (far down the list)
  3. Search Pubmed
  4. Highlight the desired search result, copy to local library
  5. Switch to the local library
  6. Find the reference again in the local library and highlight it
  7. Switch back to Word
  8. Choose Insert selected citation from the drop-down menu in the Endnote toolbar

All these steps could be reduced by incorporating a search function directly in the Endnote toolbar, for example by allowing to select a database (e.g. Pubmed) and the search mode (e.g. PMID). The search results could be in the form of a short list which could be expanded if needed. A one-click button next to the search results could allow direct insertion into the document, without the need to switch to Endnote and without the need to first copy to a local library. A separate preference setting could allow the citation to be added into a library as well if so desired. At the very least, search results should be treated as a temporary library so that they can directly be added into Word.