Merge of PMCID and Conflict of Interest in Endnote X9

I downloaded the reference for my recent publication in the journal Plos One into Endnote X9. The reference is: PLoS One. 2021 Jun 16;16(6):e0252577. The PMCID is PMC8208531

Within Endnote, the PMCID field read: “PMC8208531 supplying GT103 for a Phase 1b clinical trial. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials”. So Endnote merged the PMCID field with our Conflict of Interest statement. It is not just a problem with my copy of the program since Clarivate Support replicated the problem at their end. I was told by them to post about this in your forum. I have already manually corrected my own reference within Endnote.