Why Clarivate DOES NOT RESPOND to our comments??? Especially those that are repeteated numerous times....?

Hi Leanne,

In a seditious mood after the endnote support answered my question about why “show selected reference"and"hide selected references” options were removed from endnote, I now want to plot the overthrow of their corporate and free the development team to create software that serves the user… Such as allowing Somme customization of the interface.

Customization of the interface is what I requested in the recent survey based on the promise that.clarivate would in x20 implement such great improvements as we have never seen before.

Based on your sobering reply to Premsyl (excuse spelling i can see that this is unlikely unless perhaps my request is posted here and upvoted in a national election, or I take my case to the Supreme Court.

I don’t know about censorship on the site, but am reaching out to you for suggestions on switching databases or a forum where such ing formation is available (have not looked further here). Reddit maybe? 

Thanks in advance for any help

Roy Planalp at univ of NH Chemistry