Cancer Letters Style


I am using Cancer Letter style  in Cite While You WriteTM. According to the guide for author, number of the references should be in the order in which they appear in the text. Instead of listed in order in which they appear in the text, it appears to be in alphabetical order of the first author. I have tried to change it on the edit citations button but it did not work. How can I get the reference in order in which they appear in the text then? Thanks.

I attach an output style where the references will be listed in order of appearance rather than alphabetical.  This setting is in the sort order of the bibliography.  You will need to open it (it should open in Endnote) and then save as - then in the word document on the endnote ribbon, change to use this style (you may have to select style manager or all syles to find it in your list of styles, to apply it). 

Cancer-Letters-appear.ens (12.4 KB)

If there isn’t a specific sort order needed for the bibliography change the output style so:

1.  The “Bibliography Sort Order” is set to “Order of appearance”; and

  1. The “Citations Sort Order” is set to “Same as bibliography”.’’

Note that the changes to the output style will be saved as “Cancer Letters Copy” so adjust both EndNote and MS Word to use the new style file.