Chicago footnotes Pages '09 and Endnote X3


I’m new to this, so apologies if the solution is blindingly obvious.

I’m running Endnote X3 on my Mac (running Snow Leopard). I’m using CWYW on Pages '09.

I want footnotes using the Chicago 15 style - I have set endnote to use Chicago 15th A as one of my favourites; I have set Pages to use that style in the Edit  dropdown. However, when I insert a citation using Insert - Endnote Citation and select the source, all it does is show a space in the document. There is no footnote. It does, however add the reference to the bibliography. If I change the style to an inline style, the reference appears as it should.

This hugely frustrating to me, as I want to use Endnote to speed things up, not slow down. Any help would be hugely appreciated. 

Thanks in advance!

dave roberts 

Dr Fautsus,


I do not use Pages, but the way EndNote “footnote” styles work in WORD is to use the WORD footnote function (WORD > References > Insert Footnote ) to insert the footnote number in the text location. Then in the footnote location at the bottom of the page, insert your EndNote library’s citation. EndNote does not generate the actual  footnote in a manuscript - it generates a properly formatted citation within the footnote.


Incidently, Snow Leopard users should follow the "Snow Leopard 10.6 Compatibility News " at
