Could you help to find a proper endotes output style for Journal of Management Studies?

 Wow, Thank you, Leanne. I followed your advice and fixed most of the problems! ! But Endnote tends to get confused when there are two authors with the same last name.   For instance:




Meyer, J. W. and Rowan, B. (1977). ‘Institutionalized organizations: formal structure as myth and ceremony’.American Journal of Sociology, 83, 340–63.


Meyer, K. E., Mudambi, R. and Narula, R. (2011). ‘Multinational enterprises and local contexts: the

opportunities and challenges of multiple embeddedness’. Journal of Management Studies, 48, 235–52.


Citation: (now  in my text)

Meyer, J. W. and Rowan, 1977

Meyer, K. E. et al., 2011


Citation: (JMS requires)

Meyer and Rowan, 1977

Meyer et al., 2011


Do you suggest that I should manunally change them in my paper or change the template ?


Thank you, Leanne!

Best Regards,
