Editing an output style, EndNote X7 changing font formatting.


You would italicize the text in the record itself.  There would be no way for the output style to screen for words that should be italicized.  see attachment for editing italics in endnote record on windows.    


I don’t know what you mean about “quotation” but the “list of references” is generated by the output style as well (which you apparently have?) – you would export the article details from biomedcentral or by connecting thru pubmed and import directly into endnote from the “globe” online tools.  


To make sense of all this, I recommend you visit the youtube channel available from endnote.com/training links.   


The document to look at to learn how to edit output styles is here.  


You will probably also want to view this KB article about setting up your journal terms list. http://endnote.com/kb/82228