EndNote error in Creating EndNote travelling library

  1. I assume you mean “export traveling library” (see support document here) from the word menu on the endnote toolbar?  Can you unformat ( A COPY ) of the document to curly brackets/temporary citations to confirm they are endnote citations?  I assume you don’t have a copy of the original endnote library?  If from a colleague, are you sure they used endnote and not word or another software?  

  2. How many references are you talking about, and are they not available in accessible public or even subscription databases you could access and download?  You can attempt to convert from text to a tagged format that endnote can import, but if in the sciences, it is usually much easier to just find them and import them from pubmed, getting more information in the process than available in a reference list.  You can import books from library databases and chapters fromthe publishers web site usually.  Official word from Software providers is here.  There are threads that use some tools, but most find manual methods are preferred.  Here is one older thread that list some tools that may or maynot be still available.   There are others, but I can’t seem to find them right now.