EndNote styles - (Smith et al., 2006; 2007; 2008)

The main Right-click Edit Cition menu options are only available if you have ONE citation that you are editing.  Multiple citations in groups will not work with that option becuase EndNote doesn’t know which one you are going to edit.  You must Edit Citation/More and then select options for the individual citations that you want to edit from the group.

So the workaround for the multiple citation issue to achieve the:

(Smith, 1997; 1998; 2011)

Is to insert your citations normally,

Hover over the citation group

Right Click and Select “Edit Citation–More”

In the upper window select the citation you wish to edit

in the lower “Edit Citation” window next to “Formating:” select “Exclude Author”

Do this for all the subsequent matching last author names, then click okay.

This should resolve those citations so that the first last name appears and the resut are just Years.

Please let me know if you have further questions.


Cheryl – The EndNote Team