In-text citation style doesn't update in Pages 6.2


I’m using X8 with pages 6.2. I want my in-text citation numbered so I chose the «Numbered» style in the style manager tool. Unfortunately, the bibliography updates, but the in-text citations don’t update and I’m stuck with an «author, date» format. I even tried to use the «Vancouver» style and make an updated style (Edit > Output style > Open style manager > Edit > Citations > Template > «Bibliography.Number.») but it didn’t work as well.

The problem wasn’t there before I downloaded the Pages plug-in V3. So I tried to remove the plug in and re-install the V2 plug-in but it didn’t work neither.

I also tried to convert my .pages file into a .docx file (word in office 365), but when I switch the style, some of my references becomes «!!! INVALID CITATIONS !!!».

I need help!

Thank you in advance,


[macOS Sierra | Pages 6.2 + Endnote plug-in V3 | Word 15.34 | Endnote X8]

See this thread and this KB article:

Thank you for your quick answer!