Sorting bibliography by number of authors?

The bibliography sort order [First Author + # of Authors + Year  + Author Name] reveals the problem which affects two of the sorting fields. Using the field “# of Authors” represents the total number of authors within a given reference, however, what is needed is a categorical number that classifies authors by group (for repeated authors). Categorizing the authors will also require adjusting the way two-author references are sorted as opposed to using the “Author Name” in the sort order (i.e., for references where the first author is repeated such as “Bailey” shown in the example). This will call for parsing out the second author to facilitate sorting for a two-author reference of which the first is a repeated author.

Replacing the two sort fields (i.e., # of Authors, Author Name) with two customized fields will enable adjusting the bibliography sort order. The overall process entails: modifying the reference templates, reference field, and bibliography sort order (refer to Image 2 for the result generated in MS Word).

The process entails the following steps (refer to Image1 for steps 1 to 3):

  1. Modify the reference type template by adding two custom fields: 1) one field to categorize the number of authors ( AuthorGrp ); and 2) another field ( 2ndAuthor ) to  which will be used to parse the second author to enable sorting by the second author . (This example uses the Journal Article template.)   

  2. Next, modify only references where there is more than 1 author and the first author is repeated in another reference. (For example, Bailey & Ashford (1992), and Bailey, Smith, Woodward, & Galandiou (1992).

a. In the AuthorGrp field, assign a number corresponding to the number of authors in the reference. For example, for a two-author reference (e.g. Bailey & Ashford), enter the number “2” in the AuthorGrp field.  If the reference contains 3 or more authors (e.g., Bailey, Smith, Woodward, & Galandiou), enter the number “3”.  (Note: Single authored references do not require having a “1” as the sort order of First Author +….+Year will sort the entry.)

b. If the reference has two authors (e.g., Bailey & Ashford) where the first is a repeated author (e.g., Bailey) then enter the second author’s name in the “2ndAuthor” field. (This is to enable sorting by the second author.)

  1. Define the bibliography sort order in the output style’s “Sort Order” dialog box. The sort order is: First Author + Custom 3 + Custom 4 + Year .  (Custom 3 represents “AuthorGrp”; Custom 4 represents “2ndAuthor”.) Exit to save the output style changes which will be saved as a Copy so adjust both EndNote and MS Word to use the output style “Copy” file.

  2. Generate the bibliography in MS Word (see image 2). (Additional references were added to test the output.) The repeated author (Bailey) is shown in three different configurations: a) single author sorted by year; b) two authors sorted by second author then chronologically when first and second author repeats; and 3) three or more authors sorted chronologically.