Superscript numbering style?

To be honest, if I find a style close, I find it easier to edit it, than to sort thru 4000+ styles to find one exactly like I need, unless it is already listed by journal name or by publishing house.  

Do you really want a footnote style?  The superscripting there, is dependent on the footnote settings in the Word Processor, not on Endnote.  

But if you are just using in-text from this style, that is okay too.  Like it to be by Appearance, or Alphabetical (is one is Alphabetical)?  

I adjusted the settings addressing your comments – How does it work for you?  You have to open the attached, (which should open it in Endnote) and save as from endnote – to a name distinct from the current one on your computer.  Then go to your document, change the output style to this newly saved style (you probably have to view all styles from the top of the list to see it and select it, the first time).  

update the citations and bibliography (from the endnote ribbon) and see how it looks to you.  
MHRA (Footnote) Slick.ens (33.3 KB)