EndNote PPT Slides - Original Email unable to go through.

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for the feedback. I will send the slides to you soon.

Re: your question about APA I’m still not clear on this part:

(add apa quote citation here…)

…what would go in those parentheses, exactly? If it’s suppposed to be the year–since the author (Einstein) is mentioned in the sentence–then it’s just a matter of inserting the citation and excluding the author so that only the year shows up in the parentheses. You can clarify this for me here in the forum or in the email I send to you with the slides.

Good luck with the new position and I’m glad you found this forum for EndNote trainers. Welcome to the club! As you can see the forum is not very active at the moment, but I’m hoping to change this by getting people to contribute more of their EndNote training materials. This will make it easier for people, like yourself, who are trying to figure out what topics to present and how.

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