Refman not resolving citations

So has that problem ever been resolved?? I had the same issue with several documents already. Fortunately not with a PhD, but once with a publication and I had the pleasure to do all citation work manually.

The CWYW works normally with new documents. For some reason when reworking them later, the citations all of a sudden stick in the temporary form {citation xxx /id} and depending on the RefMan setting the program either doesn’t do anything or it starts the conversion procedure an then hangs up. I tried many things:

.Doc oder .Docx

Windows Versions from XP to Windows 10

Word 2003 or 2007 field code options deactivated

Instant formatting on or off

and I work with the latest RefMan built 12.0.3.

etc. etc.

I contacted Thomsons on the issue, but they did not resolve it. 

@psycho1666 wrote:

Hey i havbe the same problem, whenever i want to update my citations and bibliography it just hangs on the resolving citations. Now i followed the steps in the faq and now nothing is resolving anymore, so all citations are in those {} and the bibliography in the end stays empty. what am i doing wrong, i really need some help because my thesis needs to be done next weekend.