Refman not resolving citations

When the software “hangs up” are you actually getting the “Reference Manager Select Matching Reference” dialog? If so, please see this article:

If you are not getting the “Reference Manager Select Matching Reference” dialog, there may be an issue with the database. Here is what you can try:

  1. Open the database.

  2. Create a new database by clicking the file menu and selecting New Database.

  3. Pick a name and location and then click New.

  4. Click the References menu and select Copy Between Databases.

  5. For the Source, make sure your original database is listed and set this to “All References in List.”

  6. Make sure the new destination database is listed.

  7. Click Copy.

  8. Click Yes to All.

  9. When that is done copying, click on the File menu and select Close Database.

  10. Select the original database and click Close Database.

  11. Click Activate for the current database.

Once this is done, open your document and see if you can use the Update command.