Internet search for citations

Hey there

Im still having this problem. Can someone confirm that they are able to search the full title (or even just a significant part) of a paper and receive a hit from pubmed.

I cant get any hit if I include more than 2-3 words in the search field. One single word is ok, but obviously returns thousands of hits.

Example “Effect of cell-penetrating peptides on the nasal absorption of insulin”

If I search: “Effect of cell” I get a number of hits, but anything more than that will return zero hits. Same if I change to any other combination of words like “peptides on” will return results but “peptides on nasal” will not.

The dialog box reads very briefly: “waiting for the server to respond to request” after it says “Pubmed: closing”… and then after 10 seconds you get the “No documents retrieved for specific search”.

What am I doing wrong here, any settings I should be aware of?