Odd numbers in citation titles ruins formating

I apologize in advance. This ended up being a much longer post than i anticipated but since I have very limited knowledge of RM i tried to get as many details in there as i could. Here goes:

I work as a student assistant in the IT-department on the University of Copenhagen and we are helping a ph.d. stdudent who is having some trouble with RM12. In her reference list RM has started writing citations in the following way:

4.                         Bruce CR, Mertz VA, Heigenhauser GJ, and Dyck DJ. The stimulatory effect of globular adiponectin on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation is impaired in skeletal muscle from obese subjects


  1. Diabetes 54: 3154-3160, 2005.

Where it should have been like this:

4.                         Bruce CR, Mertz VA, Heigenhauser GJ, and Dyck DJ. The stimulatory effect of globular adiponectin on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation is impaired in skeletal muscle from obese subjects. Diabetes 54: 3154-3160, 2005.

 From what I saw this has happened in all her documents where she has used RM and when making new citations. I have narrowed it down to being some error in her database, it seems that some strange numbers have started to appear at the end of the tittles which causes the issue. For example the article above is titled “The stimulatory effect of globular adiponectin on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation is impaired in skeletal muscle from obese subjects 1 489” in the database and the numbers at the end is not there if I download the article anew.

 What could be the cause of these numbers and is there any way to solve the issue short of editing all the afflicted entries one by one manually in her 600+ database?

Also if/when the database is fixed is there a way to get RM to rebuild her reference lists in old documents so she won’t have to redo her ~500 citations on her ph.d. thesis and other previous documents still of importance?

Many thanks in advance.

This can happen when someone uses the “Copy Between Databases” command with Reference Manager set to show field numbers. In Reference Manager click on View on the menu bar and you will see Field Numbers. If this is checked, the showing of field numbers is enabled.

During the copying between databases process, if Reference Manager encounters a record in the source database (the one from which you are copying) that has the same Ref ID number as a record in the target database (the one into which the records are being copied), a dialog window comes.  In the window there is a message that the Ref ID is already in use. Reference Manager will assign another Ref ID number to the record when it is copied into the target database, but it also offers to copy the old Ref ID into the “Title, Primary” field.

It is possible to set the field to “none” and allow Reference Manager to copy the record or records without the old Ref ID, however it is easy for users to click on OK before reading the whole dialog window. This will cause the newly-copied records to have the old Ref ID numbers in the title field. Once there are numbers in the title field there is no easy way to do a global removal of the number. It is necessary to edit the records manually to remove the numbers or to re-import the records.

To minimize the chances of this happening it is best to turn off the display of field numbers. When field numbers are turned off, the old Ref ID numbers are not copied into the target database.