Printing or exporting periodical list with synonyms

Is it possible to print the list of periodical names and abbreviations and synonyms from a database? Is it possible to export this list? (I know that I can copy periodicals from one database to another.)

I haven’t had much luck with this, but I hope this helps!

The only way I know of is to Print the periodical synonyms under the Term Manager by going to File > Print… and then either printing a hardcopy or to a RTF or text file. The program is a bit particular: if the option to Print/Print Preview is greyed out, escape out of the menu then click in the left-hand frame (the list) of the screen. If you have clicked anywhere in the right frame, it will grey out the Printing options.

When you print to a file, the journal synonyms come out something like this:

Full Journal Name Standard Abrev. User One User Two

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis J.Appl.Behav.    . J Appl.Behav.    J Appl Behav  

Journal of Applied Econometrics J.Appl.Econometrics J Appl Econometrics J Appl Econometrics.

Journal of Applied Physiology J.Appl.Physiol. J Appl Physiol J Appl Physiol.

(it didn’t let me paste it as is, but there are tabs between the abbreviations) 

So it’s awkward to read; you can try importing it into a spreadsheet or using some kind of parser.

The second problem is I’ve had the Printing stall or get stuck for large term lists. Our list of periodical names is 123 pages long, and when I’ve tried to save it to a file, it takes several hours and always gets stuck partway.

Does anyone else have suggestions?

sarahcn describes the problem I’m having better than I did with my shorthand question.

When I can coax Term Manager to allow me to print I still have problems. If the journal list is relatively short, the output is a mess. If the list is too long (even though my workstation has 4 gigs of RAM and my printer has 512 MB of memory) the list never finishes spooling to go to the printer.

I should be able to export a delimited list of all journals and abbreviations and print it or import the list into a new database file.