Where are my references

I was writting my PhD with the cite “while you write” option and when Ive opened the word document all the references have dissapeared and the numbers are in a wrong order.

What hapened!!??

Any idea to recover them? 

Now I know what the problem is. Ive clicked the “revert to original text” option. Ive tried to rebuild the bibliography and it worked well, but it get stucked when it tries to “resolving citations”. Any idea of what can the problem be?

Hi alberto,

Did you find out how to get the bibliograpy updated? When i try I to get stuck in the “resolving citations” - I dont know how to get Refman to finish the update…?


What version of Reference Manager is this? If this is Reference Manager 11 and you have Track Changes turned on, make sure you’ve downloaded and installed the 11.0.1 update, as that can cause hangups while formatting the bibliography.

If you are using 11.0.1 already, or Reference Manager 12, you may have some encoding problems causing this issue. I would try our steps for a field code cleanup that we mention here.