Cited pages not exported in any style!

My EndNote does not render pages in my citations at all in any style (my target is APA) I tried everything all around the web but nothing works for me,
I edited the styles (I even created mine)
I installed an older version
What should I do?

which style are you using and where do you want the cited pages to appear? I am assuming you mean specific cited pages in the in text citation? Not the pages of the article which should appear in the bibliography section and reflect the full range of the article in the publication.

The APA in text citation template is (Author, |Year|, p.^pp. Cited Pages|) (with appropriate link adjacent symbols in place of most spaces)

at least in my version of APA 7th and you would introduce the exact page or pages you want to Cite by editing the citation itself and entering the individual page or pages in the “pages” field. (right click in the citation, select edit citation>more> and see the menu below.

This would then appear like this.


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Thanks for your response “Leanne”
No. Actually, I’m using the EndNote Software itself not its MS Word plugin. Drafting and publishing my works is web-based, so I use EndNote to keep track of my references. I want to have the cited pages on the right sidebar, the section you select your citation’s style and then you copy that.
You can see the screenshots I attached, and for your information, my APA style is the same as you’s.
I didn’t succeed in uploading screenshots, follow the links below to get screenshots

The pages in the record are expected to be the range of pages of the whole article. If you are citing a book, it would be the whole book and not use that field for “cited pages”. Often we cite a chapter in a book and in that case, we use book section as the template and not book. In the book section template that field would be represented in the bibliography. Does that help?

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Thanks a billion.
It worked