Any tricks to help filter human clinical studies

Hey guys, endnote newbie here

I am doing a lot of nutrition research, and I just wanted to know if there is a savy set of filter options that will only allow human studies in the results?

There is a lot of animal studies that  are painful to sift through.

Thanks very much.


Need more information.

  1. Do you have references  already downloaded into  an Endnote library?  If so, you might be able to extract the “people” studies  into a separate group by using Endnote’s  Smart Group feature to search particular fields for keywords like  “people”,“human” , etc.

  2. Are you connecting to  online databases  to search for  nutritional studies then downloading the results  into Endnote?  If so,  depending upon the database,  you may be able to refine the search results by specifying search  parameters.

3.  Are you connecting to  online databases by using Endnote’ s connection file? If so, you can  refine the search  results by using  the search  options within Endnote.


There is a lot of animal studies that  are painful to sift through.

Using the “Text terms” field would be handy. But you would need to have the full search query from PubMed ready:

It would be better to just search for the references using PubMed website, then export those references to your EndNote library. Further steps can be found here:

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