EndNote over Webdav


we are trying to setup a collaborative network in which many users need to access a regularly updated Endnote reference database. The users don’t need to update references in the database keeping in mind the Endnote limitation on network sharing (read only).

Problem is the users aren’t on the same network as the server on which the database is hosted. Currently, a Webdav server is configured on our main server. We put the sample library on the web folder, and we tried to connect using EndNote. It works just fine on the Mac OS version, but we always get an “EndNote Error” while trying to connect to the same database using the Windows version. We also tried it on iDisk (which also uses the WebDav protocol in the backend) to verify our server configuration, and we get the same error. Database file and data are setted to read only. Is there anyone who got success on using Endnote with such a configuration?

Otherwise, we could probably set up a VPN tunnel and then use SMB to map a remote drive with the database on it, but it would require more work to set it up and we’re not sure it would work.
