EndNote WEB output styles

I’m trying to update a style, Journal of Hydrology, in Endnote WEB. Every time I think I’m getting somewhere in the Help system I realize that I’ve ended up in the Help categories for desktop version. Most of that info does not apply to Endnote Web.

My quesions:

  1. Is there a help specifically for endnote web?

  2. Can I modify an output style in Endnote Web to include doi’s?


  1. Refer to the knowledgebase article “Endnote online: Help Documentation” at http://endnote.com/kb/130117

2.  Users cannot modify Endnote online output styles unless they are accessing  Endnote online via a network in which case you could notify your network administrator to modify the style. Otherwise, you can submit an Endnote Request Form. Refer to the knowledgebase article concerning changing or modifying existing styles in submitting a request: http://endnote.com/kb/101407

In the meantime you can work from Endnote  desktop and modify the output style from there.