EndNote X7 + Word 2011 = Unusable


I cannot believe I am the only person experiencing this…

My experience is that EndNote X7 and Word 2011 for Mac are essentially incompatible.

The reason I say essentially is because Word constantly hangs, is functionally unusable and frequently quits. Thid did NOT happen with X6.

I made the commitment to upgrade to X7 and have wasted so many hours trying to troubleshoot I am really frustrated.

I have deleted X7.3 from my Mac and reverted back to X6.

I could understand if it was on my MacBook Air as Word itself is a memory hog and totally bloated. But the Mac I am using is the latest round MacPro with 32GB RAM, dedicated GPU, 512 GB SSD. Definitely not from lack of horsepower.

Any one else having this experience other than the one user who claims it works?

Running 10.10.3, Word 2011 / 14.4.6, EndoNote 7.3

Dear rootdr,

Sorry you are having problems with EndNote X7. EndNote X7 is designed to be compatible with Office 2011 and should be working for you. The problems you are seeing could be a library issue, a document issue or even a bad installation.

If you can contact one of us here at Technical Support, we would be happy to assist you with a resolution. Please call 1-800-336-4474, option 4.