Export to HTML/XML to Create Simple Web Pages Please Please HELP

Thank you for reading this post and providing your thoughts…

  1. I would like to be able to export a set of references in an HTML stye that would enable me to develp a web page, with roll-overs or hotlinks for Abstracts and links for downloads 

  2. I would like to be able to export a set of my references in an XML stye that would enable me to develp a web page, with roll-overs or hotlinks for Abstracts and links for downloads 

Can someone please advise us how or even if this can be accomplished with RefMan?

Thank you very very much 

@theadler wrote:

Thank you for reading this post and providing your thoughts…


  1. I would like to be able to export a set of references in an HTML stye that would enable me to develp a web page, with roll-overs or hotlinks for Abstracts and links for downloads 


  1. I would like to be able to export a set of my references in an XML stye that would enable me to develp a web page, with roll-overs or hotlinks for Abstracts and links for downloads 


Can someone please advise us how or even if this can be accomplished with RefMan?


Thank you very very much 

There may be a couple of things you can try.  If you have Microsoft Word, the easiest and quickest would be to insert your RefMan references into a Word document then save it as a web page (html file) which has the added benefit of maintaining the citations’ formatting.

If you don’t have MS Word or if your word processing program doesn’t support saving documents in the html format, you could “transfer” the references from your word processing document by copying and pasting them into an html document (assuming you have a web authoring program).  But you’ll probably lose the formatting and have to either set up a cascading style sheet or manually “fix” each entry.