Identifying mismatch between In-text citations and bibliography


I’d like to know how to find in-text citations in an article that are missing in the references list at the end of the article and vice versa. Pertinent to mention that the in-text citations and the references at the end of the document are in plain text and do NOT have the endnote linking tags. I’m told there is a macro/plugin for this. The macro/plugin can help find the mismatch between in-text citations and references at the end in a jiffy. I would appreciate if some one could help. Thank you.

There isn’t an Endnote tool that would work with citation and references that have been converted to plain text and are no longer Endnote inserted word fields. 

Someone has promised me help on this in a few weeks. Once I know the solution, I will get back. Thanks anyways for your reply.

I am sure all publishers have scripts of this kind, but I couldn’t easily find an open source one that made sense to me, but complex commercial packages that does much more than just do the check you are describing.  How did your Endnote referenced manuscript get converted to plain text?  is there a vesions of it you could unformat and do a “compare” and recover most of them?  Then you could search for refs without unformated authors and insert them from endnote and reformat.  That is what I would bite the bullet and do.  Odds are the paper is going to come back for revision, and you will want the endnoted version then, anyway.