Password Protection of an EndNote Library

I am putting an EndNote file on a file server and need to restrict access to it by password protection. I am contemplating setting up two levels of access: read only and full access. Could not find anything about it in help. Has anybody done this or can point me in the right direction?

I assume your server uses unix or ntfs file system. why you can’t do that with log in privilage?

also, a lot of encryption software is available on the market.

endnote itself doesn’t offer (or doesn’t need to offer) such function.

Yes, there is a way of doing this on the server end, but to get it done by a not user friendly IT department is a struggle I would rather try to avoid.  I vaguely remember that I did set up a password protection in an ancient version of EndNote (3?), I could be wrong though. However, a password protection option can be reasonable expected from a  database or a desktop type application