Possible to sync Smart Groups into EndNote Web?

I have created a number of smart groups in my desktop EndNote X6, but they do not appear in my EndNote Web.  The only group that seems to sync there is a static group I also created.

Is there a way to sync smart groups?  I don’t see a reference in EndNote Web help.

Hi - They are not syncing/supported in EndNote Web - yet. We are working towards that support but I do not have timing I can relay at present.

  • Mathilda, the EndNote team 

Shortly after the new year, we will have something that will allow you to export your Smart Groups from one X6 desktop and import them into another X6 desktop. I realize that isn’t the same as having them in the EndNote web application.

A new plug-in now makes it possible to transfer the Smart Group information. See the following Forum post:


Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474