Problems with search function for keywords and other terms


We use a shared library in EndNote20 on a shared computer and a number of staff access it. In this library, we’ve defined term lists with commas as delimiters for Keywords and a Custom field (Custom 3). We’ve encountered the following issue when trying to search for keywords or terms in the custom field. (will use keywords as an example below):

If we use the “contains” search function in keywords, it returns all references that have keywords that contain the string of symbols. So far so good. If we use the “IS” search function in keywords, it returns all references that have the Keywords field exactly matching the search term, ignoring delimiters.

For example two references may have the following keywords:
1 “Lead, Polonium”
2 “Leadership, Management”
(as mentioned before we’ve defined commas as delimiters, but the same issue happens with semicolons, which are standard I believe)

Searching for “Lead” using “Contains” returns references 1 and 2. However, searching for “Lead” using “IS” returns nothing. Clearly the string in the keyword field is seen as one single keyword, rather than two keywords separated by a comma as a delimiter.

What are we missing here?

Many thanks!