Schizophenia Research format

Hi everybody!

I want to create (or to found) this Endnote style (from Schizophrenia research):

Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J.A.J., Lupton, R.A., 2000. The art of writing a scientific article. J. Sci. Commun. 163 (2) 51-59.

which resembles that of American Journal in Medical Genetics:

Pritchard JK, Rosenberg NA. 1999. Use of unlinked genetic markers to detect population stratification in association studies. Am J Hum Genet 65(1):220-8.

How can I create this new style, or modify a previous style, with Endnote 8? I need instructions for dummies.

Thank you in advance.

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Go to this thread:

and find out SG1_Yr_Ti_Jo_Vol (No)_Page style as your template. This means: the author format is (Surname), (Given name initial with period), followed by Year, Title, Journal, Volume (Issue), and Page.

You’ll need to modify separator (“and”) before the last author and journal abbreviation format. But, this is close to your journal’s format.


p.s. I’m a EN X2/WinXP/Word2003 user, but the style file should be compatible with EN 8.

And I would highly recommend, if at all possible that you upgrade from EN8!

These links seem to be dead, so I can not download the templates…

It seems all the links to old attachement have been broken. No attachment older than several days old opened the link. I sent a query to JasonR/Thomson about this issue.

Let’s see how he responds.

best regards,

If Myoshigi is in agreement, I highly recommend that Thomson consider making the information he created, available permanently on their website.  It is an invaluable resource which deserves a FAQ or prominence on the style download page itself.   



Pretty sad the download links to these style templates are broken…I spent hours to make that thread.

Anyway, if need to, I can post them again, or Thomson could have them in their style FAQ. They are all originally made by Thomson; I just renamed them.

Thomson claims they have created >3600 styles, which actually makes Endnote to load slow by default, but what we need is probably 50 or 60 base templates. Most of the users in academia will find just fine if they learn how to modify a little. Of course, some still prefer “completely made”.

By the way, Thomson’s “Style Finder” also finds styles based on the order of the fields. That means Thomson might have put their 3600 styles into categories using similar way?