I am interested in finding a style based on the Association of Legal Writing Directors stylebook, also known as ALWD. I would be grateful for any pointers.
All best,
I am interested in finding a style based on the Association of Legal Writing Directors stylebook, also known as ALWD. I would be grateful for any pointers.
All best,
A quick google brought me to this page.
http://www.lib.vt.edu/find/citation/alwd.html which states
“While the ALWD system follows the standard convention of footnotes within academic articles and inline citations in court documents, it rejects Bluebook’s insistence on using different type styles in the two classes of documents. The ALWD type style is identical to that used in the Bluebook system for citations within court documents.”
Hence, I would download and see if Bluebook matches your requirements. If it isn’t in the default list of output styles you installed with the desktop version of Endnote, then you can go to help>Endnote Output Styles to the endnote.com website to search for and open and save the style (using the endnote program).
Dear Leanne,
Many thanks for your help - unfortunately I will need exactly the part where the parallels end (I am writing for an academic journal and not for a court case). I have been in touch with the author of the styleguide and she wasn’t aware of an Endnote style / and not really of citation softwares in general.
I will keep digging.
All best,
Then we users (or the Endnote team) really can’t help unless you spell out exactly what the style requirements are. Need a web page with examples and how they would be cited as well in the text.
but rereading what I copied. It uses the Bluebook for everything not just court cases?
“The ALWD type style is identical to that used in the Bluebook system for citations within court documents.”