Sync/verify Reference with online source (Pubmed etc.)


I’m new here and this may already been asked for (I checked, though and couldn’t find anything yet).

I am collaborating with several people and write on the same document, these people either have different ways of inputting their references (by hand) or use reference manager. Either way, I am ending up with references that are not nicely formated (for full text download) or which just have typos or wrongly formated fields in them.

It therefore would be nice to have a feature similar to full text download that tries to match selected references to a web source (e.g. pubmed). The matching than can be done by hand (selection of the fields to be overwritten), even the search can be triggered by hand, but if I just would be able to update certain fields from a web source would help tremendously.

The reason for wanting to update an existing reference from the web is the following: if I were to download a new reference and delete the current one, because these references are already used in the document, the connection between word and the library either breaks or is ignored (using the travelling library). What I have to do right now, is to painstakingly compare by eyeballing the fields, and if changed copy the fields over, no fun with 100+ references.

So, in the simplest implementation I would wish to have a function ‘update from web/online’ and then the regular search mask opens (it would be even fine to have to type in the required fields with no presets), and then it lets me select the reference from which to update and also which fields to update (a suggestion: a window similar to the delete duplicates window would do the trick).

Hope I made sense…

If not, please get back to me.


Yeah, it will make our work a lot easier. Let’s hope someone from the developer team picks up on this. :slight_smile:

Thanks for making this happen in X5!

Really appreciate it!
