Total beginner

I can’t find a quick start type tutorial for using endnote with MS word (windows10).

I have got lost twice in varous complicated directions. I have the trial version and hoped it would be useful to help me organise and write my dissertation, but I can’t even figure out how to begin.

I use photoshop and indesign and other software with no problem. I can’t get my head around endnote.

Is there any supersimple tutorial that will get me going?



Have you looked at the training page?  – in particular the youtube channel  and these links might be of use to you.  – the essentials of use will not have changed for X8

Finally, there are live Webinars and the calendar is here:

One more useful document is the Self-guided tour:

see also this document which includes alot of resources with explanatory notes of what they are: